I always believe it is time for us to realize that too many protection given to 'Bumis' would not do any good to the nation. It is too much and too long period is given. Many would get angry with this kind of remark but the truth always hurt. Believe me if we were left without this kind of privilege, since independence day, we would be a better person nowadays. Believe me.
Yes of course, we were so bad in shape initially, at early stage but we would improve our self to be better to compete with other races to capture some portion of our wealth in Malaysia. But the government chose the other option, to pamper and to comfort us with so many things so many promises.."Don't worry, we would take care of you if you let us in power..". We have been living for so long in few generation with this promises and we stick to the promises. Anybody who think to undermine the 'promise' or the status would definitely regarded as racist and the government, as the sole protector, who come and proclaimed the status of 'Bumis' as untouchable.
We never realized how bad he impact to our social development in due to this 'comfortness' given by the government until today. We are living in thinking that the government would facilitate all our needs from infrastructure to food and from social obligation to religion needs. We are living to believe that the government would protect us from poverty and social despair from other races.
It is time for us to to realize the true scenario and the true reason why we fail to achieve the standard as other races. The truth is that while other races have to swim hard between life&death to reach the end but we are given 'floater' along the river and we don't care much about the end as we know we would not die in between with 'floater' in hands. What do you think the feeling of others in that situation? Angry?? Hatred??Anxiety?? Envy?? Dissatisfaction?? Jealousy?? Unfairness?? Yes they deserved to feel those 'fire feelings' in that situation and I am very sure some of them would promise with themselves that if they could make it to the end, one day, they would ensure their next generation would not face the same scenario as their experiences. This 'strong promise' would be carried over from generation to generation and the earliest would do their best to provide a better platform for the latter to come. Whoever successful in business would hold tight to the business and hand over to the next layer. Then the business would expand further for the next layer to take over. All assets would be controlled tightly as their generation assets with a believe 'Thats the true assets for a living in Malaysia'. They are growing with a believe that money is everything and with money they could do anything. Once they have the money, then the political power would follow. If the economic power is strong, people would come to them for help and support to maintain position in society. These would create a good opportunity to slip in between with political 'endeavour' and once the votes are there, they could 'moneuvour' the political view towards the racial need.
It is time for us to realize this scenario of the truth about our generation and it is not too late to rectify. We might lose the battle but we may win the war at the end. The choice is ours. We have to sacrifice a little bit of our fortune today for the benefit of our next generation in future.Unless we don't care much of what would happen in future.
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