Welcome words for all

different people got different way of looking at some issue..so let us see how different it is...like a blue color...so many misperception of its value..the phrase like 'blue moon'...'blue minded'...'true blue'....'ocean blue'....indicate how misinterpretation would be....the truth of this blue color is what this blog is all about..try to redefine the true meaning of blue...try to look at something from many point of views...let us look at it..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let us open our eyes to see the truth-Part 3

Let us see what is happening to local contractors:

The government is trying to create a lot of projects, under the name of development, so that the bunch of cake could be split into small portion and pour out to thousands of contractors waiting at the bottom. The size of the portion would depend on the cost involved and categorized under Class A, B, C, D, E or F. The highest no would be Class F and majority are Bumis.

What would happen if there is no new project coming up within a year? What would happen to these contractors? Yes Agreed that if no new project coming up in the pipeline, the whole economic would come to stagnate point where the manufacturer could not produce any products, the transporter has nothing to deliver, traders has nothing to trade, supplier has nothing to supply due to no demand and workers don't have works to do. This is always be the ideal concept of managing the economic flow in any country. The more we create the projects more economic activities would activate and more money would be flooded inside the market.

However, this concept also is used by the government to control the contractors to back  the government during the election so that the government would always be in power to ensure sufficient supply of project in the market for the contractors to make some fortune. The government would decide when and how many project would be activated in their long term plan and definitely more projects would be pour into the market once we are getting closer to a big election day. This exercise could be regarded as 'silent string attached' to the contractors and some would always think of the next project for their company sustainability. The Class F contractors whom are always be the majority, are like the 'small fish in the river' waiting for 'food' from the government. They would do anything to get the portion of projects from the government and they become 'silently' controlled by the government.

The program that we have for these contractors are always be short term program and never have the intention to upgrade the contractors to become a world class contractor. Some companies have managed to slip  out themselves from the cage and become a world class contractor by their own effort and as usual the government would proclaim the effort. 

All politicians, under government management are very happy with this kind of situation as they have the power to control businessman/contractors in their area for any support required within their area. They call it 'win-win situation'. Most of the local tenders by local governments are decided by politicians. What would happen if the contractor is growing to be a global player and does not depend much on government's project?? Are they going to support the government? Can the government control them? Can the politicians hope for their support during election time? Well I believe the politician can answer the question very well as they already know the consequences once it happens.

Who are these contractors actually or who are the constituents of these so called 'contractors' either A,B,C,D,E or F?? Are they normal people like us? Are they the members of government supporters? Are they the strongest supporters for government's party?? In real, they are always the members of governments party with various position in the party organisation chart. From Ketua Cawangan, Timbalan Ketua Cawangan, Setiausaha Cawangan, Ketua Pemuda Cawangan, then Ketua Bahagian with Timbalan Ketua Bahagian, Setiausaha Bahagian, bendahari Bahagian, Committee Members and then goes to State Level and National Level. We can imagine how many of them that the government has to handle delicately.These are the group that really waiting for project distribution for their power sustainability. So, we could assume that whenever government decide on the new project implementation, this group of people is the one whom are very happy and not the public. Yes the public could only watch the flow and whatever buildings constructed in their area as the proof of development program under government plan.

For this group of contractors, are they really doing the job themselves?? Are they having the capability and skill to carry out the work?? Are they competent enough to complete the project as required?? Or they would spread it to other 'genuine' contractors to do it and with profit-sharing??? Or they would re-distribute the given projects to others with some payment in advance for their portion??? Are they going to ensure the project would be completed within the time framed and without further additional cost incurred?? Or they are very happy for any additional cost to the project and additional profit to them???

When these kind of practises happen in real situation, we found that only a small portion of these contractors are actually get the benefits from the project distribution from the government and almost all are back-up by other non-bumis contractors. In terms of racial-economic distribution, it is good to share among all races for an projects awarded by the government but sadly this exercise is done silently and due to 'easy-money' concept by the bumis contractors.

This is what is happening in reality in Malaysia and nothing much we could do to change the scenario. The flow would goes as usual and pass from last generation and to our generation. We have the chance to change the scenario if we let our eyes open to see the truth. Let us change the scenario before we pass it to the next generation

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