What is happening in Egypt has tremendous effect on global political trend and thanks to the people of Egypt. The government bodies of all countries in the world should have realized today that anything could happen to their government if the people are awaken from their 'deep sleep'. Once the people start screaming around, it might end to a disaster. However, the trend is not taking one or two days but the symptoms might take few years if the government could detect the crack earlier. That was what happened to Tunisia and Thailand. While both Tunisia and Egypt are governed by presidency but Thailand is the only one still intact with monarchy. The climate of political scenario around the globe has changed together with the global climate change. The tsunami concept has captured the mind of the people with a philosophy of 'small things could be bigger' and once it becomes bigger it could rock all over the place.
It is sad if other governments are still thinking that they are safe. Yes they are safe if they manage the people to a better world. Yes they are safe if they could reduce poverty and zero corruption. Yes they are safe if their family are not enlighten with 'bizarre wealthy' compared to people GDP. Why the government or the leaders tend to slip from their original 'oath' during their first day in power? Is it so difficult to identify what the people need and provide them with some solutions? Are the people asking too much from the leaders?
It is sad also to learn that Hosni Mubarak is still so arrogant to be in power and try to buy the people with money and salary rise. Yes the people needs some extra money during hard time but why the offer coming at this hour? And where the money coming from?? He could ease the temper if he openly declare that he is willing to chalk up some portion of his wealth(estimated USD70bil) for the pay rise as his personal contribution to the people welfare. What is the value of USD70bil when the fake of the people is at stake? But still the money still money to him and he prefer to run away to other country with his wealth, as his son did.
Having said that, what we could learn from Egypt Tsunami is most vital question to be answered by our government leadership. Please do not let the same thing happen here in Malaysia. Leaders should act as leaders and do not let the people down. Do not portray that leaders are the richest line of people while at the bottom so many people are suffering in poverty. Do not use money to buy people votes as they would do it sincerely if the leaders show some sincere leadership. Please look at what the people see from your government and try to erase the negative image/perception from their mind. It is not too much to do actually and not too much to ask.
It is sad to say that...Tunisia and Egypt are both Muslim Countries....we don't want to be the next one...May Allah forbids.....
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