Welcome words for all

different people got different way of looking at some issue..so let us see how different it is...like a blue color...so many misperception of its value..the phrase like 'blue moon'...'blue minded'...'true blue'....'ocean blue'....indicate how misinterpretation would be....the truth of this blue color is what this blog is all about..try to redefine the true meaning of blue...try to look at something from many point of views...let us look at it..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bhutan - The Roof Of The World

Bhutan lies between India and China, with Tibet at the borderline, always refers to 'The Roof Of The World'. No specific reason is given why the name is solely refer to Bhutan but some said it is because of the unique location of Bhutan, very near to Himalaya and some claimed that it is because Bhutan is the most peaceful place on earth.

Bhutan is just a small country with population estimated not even 1 million but through the unique way of life found in Bhutan makes it has a bigger heart. Bhutan is governed by a monarch for century but the King lately is pushing for a full transformation in terms of political scenario where a democratic government would be in place instead of a monarchy. The King has been working hard towards the goal in convincing the people to accept the idea of a full democratic government. The people, on the other hand, insist that the monarchy should be in place as their proud tradition to govern the country. The 4th King, who is responsible for the transformation, by fact already gave in the throne to his son as the 5th King of Bhutan. The 5th King, as young at heart but still working towards the full transformation as his father wish.
 Bhutan is a country where people quality of life is taken into deep matter by the monarch. The monarch has introduced 'Gross National Happiness' (GNH) to measure the people quality of life and always regarded as the most important instrument in people ruling compared to Gross National Product (GNP) as other countries. It might be the reason why the people are not not willing to give up their present tradition with a monarchy government.
It is proven that Bhutan is the most happiest country in Asia and 8th place in world ranking, as stipulated in 'Satisfaction With Life Index' isssued by Bussiness Week Magazine in 2006. We could also compare the rank with other developed nation like USA(23rd place), China(82nd place, India(125th place), Russia(167th place) and Japan(90th place).

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