Welcome words for all

different people got different way of looking at some issue..so let us see how different it is...like a blue color...so many misperception of its value..the phrase like 'blue moon'...'blue minded'...'true blue'....'ocean blue'....indicate how misinterpretation would be....the truth of this blue color is what this blog is all about..try to redefine the true meaning of blue...try to look at something from many point of views...let us look at it..

Monday, January 23, 2012

Muslim Medical Students Against Darwin's Theory

It was reported in recent news, 3 Muslim Students in London, were refused to join their medical classes due to, what they referred as 'inappropriate subject'. They have boycott the class of Biology, as the subject taught was 'Evolution Theory', based on the book 'On the origin of species'  by the late Charles Darwin in 1859.
Of course, the theory is totally indifferent from what is taught in Islam and as a muslim it is a mandatory to believe that all human beings and mankind are originated from Allah, The Almighty God. The different in concept has driven those 3 students to skip their Biology classes in which the subject is considered vital for any medical student doing medical study.
The only question is what about other Muslim students in other countries? Do they face the same dillema? Do they take the same decision? What the Muslim Scholars say about this phenomenon?

What about Malaysia? Most of medical students in Malaysia are muslim and are they taking the same step as those students in London? Do we have other alternative, instead of studying 'Darwin's theory', we have sort of option in view of Islamic Perspective? Maybe we have to be clear of this.....while the steps taken by those students might be an essential step to open peoples eyes of what is exactly the 'Real Theory of Human Being'..........

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